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Explore the Majestic Beauty of the Catskill Mountains in Catskill NY

Catskill NY is a historic village that graces the western shores of the Hudson River. Located between Metropolitan New York and the Capital Region, Catskill is an unspoiled vacation destination location that offers excellent lodging, restaurants, and shopping.

Main Street in Catskill, NY
Photo by Doug Kerr, Tilt-shift filter applied, CC BY-SA 2.0

Its Dutch heritage dates back to the 1700's, and is evident in the pristine and Puritan architecture of the area. The Beattie-Powers Place overlooks the Hudson River, and is a unique space for cultural, educational and social activities. The Catskill Region is lush, with autumn foliage and four-season beauty. In any season, choose from a full range of activities or simply enjoy the fresh mountain air and the quiet charm of this region.

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